For many of us going a day without coffee is hard to imagine, but we don’t always like what comes with that daily coffee – especially if that something is heartburn. So can coffee cause heartburn? It’s a common problem for 40% of the population who suffer from the affliction at least once per week and there is evidence that coffee may be at the root of the problem in some cases.
What GERD is and What it Means for You
Most people experience heartburn at some point, but before you can bring it under control you have to know what’s causing it. If you experience heartburn once a week or less it’s likely just normal acid reflux, a condition that causes stomach acid to push back up into the esophagus creating a painful burning sensation. When this happens more than twice a week, it’s probably something more serious known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This can be a painful condition that can affect the quality of life of those suffering from the disease.
Foods that Can Make GERD Worse
Coffee doesn’t cause GERD, but it can aggravate it and make the symptoms worse. When you suffer from this disease though, you may have to avoid certain foods and beverages or at least limit your consumption of these products – coffee is one of them. Other foods and beverages you’ll have to cut back on include chocolate, alcohol and spicy foods. Over-the-counter medications can be taken to neutralize stomach acid that can have some effect.
How Caffeine Aggravates GERD
Does coffee give you heartburn? There’s some evidence that caffeine relaxes the muscles between your stomach and your esophagus – allowing stomach acids to rise up into your esophagus causing heartburn. The best way to avoid acid reflux, without giving up coffee, is to change the type of coffee you’re drinking.
Arabica beans have half the caffeine of regular coffee beans, making them a much better choice for anyone living with GERD or acid reflux. These blends are widely available in most stores and coffee shops – they may be a little more expensive, but they will reduce the frequency of bouts of heartburn in most coffee drinkers.
The Acidity of Coffee Can Cause Heartburn
It isn’t only the caffeine in coffee that can cause heartburn. Most common coffee blends are also very acidic and this acidity can make stomach acids active and more likely to enter the esophagus leading to heartburn. There are a couple of options if you believe the acidity of your regular brew is an issue.
Cold brewing removes much of the acidity from coffee, creating a smoother less bitter drink. Another option is shade-grown coffee – these are beans grown in the shade away from direct sunshine. They take longer to grow, but the end product is a less acidic brew that’s easier on the stomach.
One more option is to exercise more and lose a little weight if needed. Regular exercise counteracts the effects of heartburn, but you should avoid starting your exercise routine until you’re stomach’s had time to process the coffee in your system. Exercising too soon after drinking a cup of coffee can aggravate the problem. There’s no cure for heartburn, but following these guidelines will help.