Anyone that’s ever experienced vertigo can attest that it’s an uncomfortable feeling they’d rather avoid at all costs. Watching the room spin when you try to stand up isn’t how most of us want to start our day, but it’s a far too common reality for some. Trying to figure out what’s causing your vertigo can be a challenge and you may want to seek medical help through the process.
A common question that’s asked by sufferers is can caffeine cause vertigo? The short answer is yes, the caffeine in your morning cup of coffee, your favorite cola or even a piece of chocolate may be contributing to your vertigo.
Understanding Vertigo – What is it Really?
Most are familiar with the term vertigo, but what exactly is it? If you’ve ever felt off balance and had to sit down because the room’s spinning around you then you’ve experienced vertigo. It’s often much worse if you’re looking down from a high vantage point. When you’re in the middle of an episode, items around you may appear to be moving that are actually still.
How Much Caffeine is too Much?
Coffee has been identified as one of the potential causes of vertigo and that’s because of its diuretic properties. You’ve probably noticed that you tend to make more frequent bathroom visits after a large cup of your favorite beverage. This can leave you feeling dehydrated as the water drains out of your system and it will also decrease the volume of oxygen in your blood. It’s this lack of oxygen that can lead to light-headedness or vertigo in more extreme cases.
So just how much coffee is too much? The FDA recommends no more than 400 milligrams of caffeine a day for most healthy adults. That’s the equivalent of about four or five cups of day. They do caution that people’s sensitivities can vary, so you may have to experiment until you find a level that’s comfortable for you. While it’s rare, some have to give up coffee entirely to avoid vertigo.
Consider Switching to Decaf
If you are one of the rare few that can’t drink even one cup of coffee without the onset of dizzy spells and vertigo you may have to consider switching to decaf. There is still some caffeine in decaf, but it’s a small amount that does not usually trigger symptoms. You should consider other dietary changes as well – caffeine can be found in many foods and beverages such as chocolate, energy drinks, cola and tea.
Other Ways to Treat Vertigo
There are other habits you can adopt that are effective in helping to prevent vertigo. The place to start is with a good night’s sleep – that means 7 or 8 hours for most adults. As much as possible, the sleep should be uninterrupted to allow your body and mind time to properly recharge.
It’s also important to stay hydrated and avoid too much sodium because it absorbs water. You don’t want to avoid sodium completely as it is a necessary component of your diet, but you shouldn’t exceed the recommended daily dosage of salt which is 2300 milligrams – about one teaspoon. Making these changes to the daily routine and keeping the daily dose of coffee to one or two cups is usually effective in preventing the onset of vertigo for most.